"OR   just an excuse to spend the day sewing!"  Pan Protectors with FREE PATTERN!

Hey friends, Maymay is making a really usual and cute project today? 

So rev up those sewing machines, grab some felt and fabric and let's sew! 



Hello Sewing Pattern link: https://hellosewing.com/diy-pot-pan-protectors/

Sew Charming Website:  https://www.sewcharmingquiltshop.com/

Sew Yeah Website: https://sewyeahquilting.com/

Sew Yeah YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@SewYeah

M7 Quilter's Collector Series One Size ~~ https://bit.ly/41D18Q0

Reliable 320LB Home Ironing Board ~~  https://amzn.to/4hT3pw9

Sewing Machine is a Janome Continental M7

I use affiliate links when possible, using these links to purchase awards me a small commission. Items used in this video are all purchased by me, if and when an items is sent to me I will denote that by using ** next to the item.


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